I am Aleksandra Bardas, visual artist based in germany. My activistic voice is unfolded trough documentary and photojournalistic photography. My field of work is mostly on the topics of migration and integration, as well as diaspora or minorities in Central Asia and Europe.
Doc.Doc.Doc class 19/20 St. Petersburg
Master studies in photography FH Dortmund (University of Applied Sciences and Arts). March 2019- July 2021 FH Dortmund (University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
2013 -2019 Photography, photo design, bachelor's degree
2020 Bartur Award , Finalist, Climate Category
2019 Andrei Stenin Contest, Finalist
2019 Felix Schoeller Award, Best Emerging Photographer, Shortlist
2019 Direct Look, Short List 2019 World Report Award
2019 Fotografia Etica, Shortlist, Humanity Report, „In desert of Aral Sea“ Documenting Humanity
2018 Student award Finalist 2018 Photogrvphy Grant Nominee, Climate Category “In desert of Aral Sea”
2018 ND Award Honorable Mention, Documentary Category “In desert of Aral Sea